j9九游会登陆入口-j9九游会登录入口首页新版 ʱ�䣺 2016��03��30�� 14:01:22
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����image sharing: a tumblr has even been established which allows users to upload their own bikini bridge snaps
�����ȿ���ɶ��bikini bridge:
����the bikini bridge is a term for the space you get between your bathing suit bottom and your hip bones when you lie down.
����there are even facetious comments posted promoting the 'benefits' of possessing a 'bikini bridge' such as 'fitting an ipod into your bikini bridge' and 'getting a smoother tan line from your bikini bridge'.
����body image and wellbeing expert katie lowe said: 'the bikini bridge is just another example of horrendous thinspiration that encourages young women to develop poor body image and self-esteem.